Why did you choose to study on this programme?
I think i chose this programme imparticular because it felt so informal yet professional at the same time, and i feel like a less formal environment helps me streamline my work and generally work better. The College itself was a lot less daunting than many of the other universities i applied for and everything felt a lot more personal, I don't like to think i need my hand holded when it comes to work but i'm not the kind of person to ask for help when i need it and a little more attention is certainly helpful if i find myself drowning in the work. I've known i wanted to work in some kind of visual communication/interactive media career for a long time so i knew it was going to be an animation course i was just unsure what university/college i was going to study at. The final nail in the coffin was the work i saw produced here and the attitude the students had towards their work and this course was also very inspiring and made this course the course for me.
What do you want to learn during your time on the program?
I definitely want to learn more techniques used in the animation careers and continue working on my skills as an artist, i.e. drawing, painting, visual analysis, however apart from that I don't think i had a solid set of skills i wanted to learn while here, i supposed i just want to learn a little bit of everything and then pick out my favorite techniques and roll with them for the rest of my career in animation.
What Skills do you think are your strengths?
I find it very difficult to define my strengths, but if i were to pick a few things i think the passion i have for learning about theories behind art, psychology behind pieces and just generally the thought processes that creators have to make their creations is definitely high up on the list. I also think i'm very willing to experiment, i enjoy pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and trying new things.
What things do you want to improve?
I'd certainly like to feel less negative about my work but i think thats something i have to work on myself as a person rather than trying to improve via this course. I want to work more on getting my ideas down on paper the exact way they appear in my head, but on a slightly shallower level i'd like to work on my drawing skills and just generally learn how to make things move convincingly are my main focus'.
What ways will you evaluate your progress?
In my previous course i ended up making small notes over almost everything i created and i feel that habit will continue over these next three years. I will also try my best to keep this blog up to date as its not only a way to evaluate my progress but also a good way to keep my thoughts in line and keep track of my development as an animator.
I am very excited to get started.
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