Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Binding of Isaac

The binding of Isaac is a videogame that in all honesty i am addicted to. Edmund McMillen has never shied away from slightly offensive or gross themes in his games, which are all very simple, but very addicting. With settings such as a lab experiment that gets to the exit by puking or a boy made of meat that makes gross slapping noises when he walks and is trying to save his girlfriend from a fetus in a jar. The binding of Isaac is no different. The game is about a boy abused by is overly religious mother escaping down from a basement, lower and lower, into a fetus, into hell and then into a chest, fighting disgusting tumour ridden monsters along the way. The game is simple, fire your tears at enemies to kill them, and upgrade your tears with equally disgusting objects as the enemies you're tying to defeat. Every run of the game is different and it is always random. I love the setting the most i feel, as any game can have upgrades and enemys to fight, but the fact its with tears, religious themes and gross medical objects like cysts, tumours and offensive themes made lighthearted. This adds to make a unique game that is easally recognisable off the bat.

Its also great to freak people out with phrases that seem normal in context to the game.
For Example:
"I'm not sure i want to pick up that dead cat"
"A tumour! Great!"
"I hope i get a deal with the devil on this run"
"I think i might re-roll this bucket of lard"  

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