Metalosis Maligna - an extraordinary disease, and more dark storytelling
Metalosis Maligna - An Extraordinary disease is a fictitious documentary about a disease that affects people with metal medical implants, in which the metal 'grows' and turns patients into disfigured metal things. The thing i love about this animation is the style is so believable that there will most likely a few people out there who believe this is a real disease. Because the filming style and the informative animations are so similar to that of a BBC documentary the disease feels all the more chilling. This style of storytelling and forging of another more chilling version of our reality is something i am always fascinated by, i am a fan of websites of fictional places and/or corporations, for example; Scarfolk City Council blog, a blog that tells the story of a dark village stuck in a darker version of the 80's, or The SCP Foundation, A corporation that specialising in the collecting and containing of supernatural phenomenon. This style of fictional things that are extremely close to reality is a kind of storytelling i really enjoy experiencing, and i would like to make some kind of Fictitious documentary myself in the future.
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