Monday, 16 May 2016

Barry Purves

A little while ago Barry Purves came in to explain his work and his creative method. I found it to be a very informative and inspirational talk. I had a chance to talk to Barry Purves at MAF before he presented the awards, though at the time i had no idea of who he was or the kind of work he produced, and we ended up talking about twitter and social networking, which was quite funny. When he came in to college to give us the talk it was much more formal. He first showed us Plume, a short film he had created. It was really inspiring the ammount of passion and drive he had for his projects, explaining every little detail, which i've been finding that i've slowly been losing. He also talked about his Tchaikovsky film which again was filled with so much passion and love for animation that it rubbed off on me and reminded me why i've gotten in to this line of work in the first place.

Overall i was very inspired, though i still don't want to become a stop motion animator, i feel i can apply some of the more important elements of his love for animation to my own work.

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